Orders are typically shipped within 2-3 business days (excluding weekends and holidays — yes, the Masters Tournament is a holiday).

Once an order has shipped, it can no longer be modified or cancelled. If you decide to change or cancel your order after it has shipped, you will need to email us at team@loftyllama.com as soon as possible so that we can work to resolve your issue quickly and fairly.

After orders are received and approved, you will have an email notification providing your order information. After an order has shipped, you will receive another email with your tracking information. 

While we ship orders in a timely manner, we cannot be responsible for delays from carriers after an order has shipped. Because of COVID-19 and during the holiday season, customers should prepare for delays out of their control. 

Any packages shipped back to Lofty Llama as a Return to Sender due to an incorrect shipping address will be subject to a $8 Return to Sender Fee to cover reshipment costs.

The customer will be notified of this, and a member of Lofty Llama will reach out to confirm address and issue the Return to Sender Fee.



At this time we do not ship orders outside of the U.S.