Picture this, your in high school, you’re a loser getting bullied by the football team, you’re intimately familiar with the look, feel, smell, sound, and taste of the inside of a toilet and your hair is permanently swirled. Fast forward 15 years. You and your buds show up to your high school reunion charity golf tournament ready to totally redeem yourselves. Your foursome is rocking the Awesome Blossoms from Lofty Llama and you’re there to put up a freaking number. Your team is on fire. Pork missiles at the turn? Yep. Cart girl? She legitimately thinks your funny, at least you think she does. You’re buddy Chad is killing it at his law firm and he’s bought $200 of mulligans. You’re team turns in a scorecard with a 54. You beat the hell out of the ex-football players who used to beat you up. And the quarterback’s high school girlfriend that was the head of the cheerleading squad? She’s flirting with you hard at the bar where you’re drinking out of your trophy. Time hasn’t been kind to her, but still. You’re a winner. You know why? Cause of the Lofty Llama polos. You looked like winners from the moment you stepped out of your car. Sure, the $200 of mulligans helped, but that was for charity, and you guys still made those shots. Who cares if it was on the 8th try? You’re a winner. Thanks, Lofty Llama.